Filipino Food Crawl

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I’ve written blogs before but none of them worked out. I hope this new blog won’t share the same fate as the others.

This blog will be a compilation of anecdotes and thoughts from my trips across the world. My goal is to backpack in 30 countries by the time I’m 30 years old. I'm 24 now and I’ve to 10, all in Asia — Japan, Korea, China (Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan), Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and India. With six years to go before turning 30, the countdown begins. Twenty to go.

The next target in Asia is Viet Nam, Laos and Myanmar. Europe, South America and the Pacific Islands are on the list too. Let's see what comes my way.


*Update 7/3/2020

I just turned 35 and I have yet to visit 30 countries. I’m now at 28. I may not have traveled to as many countries as I wanted to but I have visited more cities than what I imagined. With the coronavirus pandemic, I doubt if I’ll get to travel internationally anytime soon. Stay tuned.